Tuesday, August 3, 2021

How many types of Covid-19 Vaccine are being administered in Pakistan?

Effectiveness, Statistics, Vaccines, BIBP vaccine, BioNTech, Pfizer vaccine, CanSino vaccine, CoronaVac vaccine, Moderna, Sputnik V, Astrazeneca

 How many types of Covid-19 Vaccine are being administered in Pakistan?

Pakistan has so far approved five covid vaccines:

 Sinoform (Sino pharm), Cansino, Sinovac, Sputnik and AstraZeneca.

Sinoform (Sino pharm)

The synoform vaccine was developed by the Beijing Institute of Biological Products (BBIBP), a subsidiary of China National Biotech Group (CNBG). The BBIBP-CorV vaccine مشہور also known as the Sino pharm ہے is a chemically inactivated vaccine for covid 19. Synoform announced that the vaccine's efficacy is 79.34%.

The third phase trials were conducted with more than 60,000 participants in late December 2020 in Argentina, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

On May 7, 2021, the WHO listed the Synoform Covid 19 vaccine for emergency use, allowing the vaccine to become available worldwide. WHO Assistant Director General for Access to Health Products, Dr. Marengila Samao, said the addition of the vaccine has the potential to accelerate access to the COVID 19 vaccine for countries that pose a threat to health workers and the population. I want to put "We urge manufacturers to participate in the vaccine facility and contribute to a more equitable distribution of vaccines." A report on the WHO website states that in the case of synoform vaccines, the WHO's assessment involves an on-site inspection of the production facility.


Corona Wake, popularly known as Synovac in Pakistan by Chinese company Synovac Biotech, is a dysfunctional vaccine for the inactivated virus. The third phase of clinical trials has been conducted in Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, the Philippines and Turkey. It relies on conventional technologies such as Synoform, BBV152, and other inactivated viruses.

Statistics from a study in Chile show that the synovic vaccine was 67% effective in preventing symptomatic infections. According to media reports, the Chilean government said that the corona vaccine was 85% effective in preventing hospitalization and 80% in preventing deaths.

Experts from the World Health Organization say that the Covid 19 vaccine, developed by China's Synovac Biotech, is effective in preventing Covid 19 in adults under the age of 60, but lacks some standard data on the risk of serious adverse effects. Independent experts from the WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) reviewed Synovik's CoronaWake job from third-phase clinical trials in China, Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey and Chile.


Developed by Russia's Gamalia Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Sputnik V is an adenovirus viral vector vaccine for Covid 19. The vaccine uses a modified viral vector to provide genetic material coding for the desired antigen in the recipient's host cells. An interim trial report published in The Lancet indicated a 91.6% efficacy without unusual side effects. In December 2020, countries including Russia, Argentina, Belarus, Hungary, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates approved emergency use of the vaccine.

According to the manufacturer, Sputnik V is one of the three vaccines in the world with an efficacy of over 90%. The efficacy of the vaccine was confirmed by 91.6% based on an analysis of data from 191,66 volunteers who received the first and second doses of the Sputnik V vaccine, or placebo, at the final control point in 78 confirmed coed 19 cases. .

On May 10, WHO technicians, in collaboration with the European Medicines Agency, were to launch the next round of testing of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against Covid 19.


Developed by the Chinese military and Tianjin-based Ken Sino Biologics, AD5-nCOV, trade name Convadia, is a single food viral vector covid 19 vaccine. Data from trials shared in February 2021 show that the vaccine has a 65.7% efficacy in preventing the moderate symptoms of Covid 19, and a 91% efficacy in preventing severe disease.

The third phase of trials has been conducted in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia and Saudi Arabia with 40,000 participants since the end of 2020.


The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid 19 vaccine, brand name Wexzervia and Covishield is for people 18 and older. The AstraZeneca vaccine contains a modified adenovirus that contains the gene for making proteins from SARS-CoV-2. The vaccine, which does not contain the virus itself, cannot cause Covid 19.

The AstraZeneca Covid 19 vaccine, which started two weeks after the second dose, showed an effective 62% effect in preventing the symptomatic Covid 19 disease.

The vaccine is associated with an increased risk of blood clots in combination with low blood platelets. As of April 4, 2021, 222 cases of blood clots have been reported from the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, where approximately 34 million people have been vaccinated, according to the European Medicines Agency.

However, the Ministry of National Health Services has stated in its guideline that the vaccine should not be used in adults under the age of 40 who are severely allergic to any ingredient (such as polysorbate).

Location: Pakistan


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